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Holding Your Main Neurovascular Reflex Points

Holding your Neurovascular Reflex Points during stress or crisis re-directs the blood flow and energetic patterns to calm and stabilize your nervous system.

Have you ever spontaneously put their hand to their forehead when you are stressed or get stressful news? You are intuitively holding these points, isn't that awesome?!

While spontaneity can be great, consciously use this technique as fequently as possible to retrain and evolve your brain to stay calm in the face of stressful experiences. Overtime, you will experience more balanced responses to the stresses that come your way.

How to Perform This Energy Exercise

  • Rub your hands together vigorously and shake them off. Remember that in energy medicine, your hands are your most valuable tool. Rubbing them together and shaking them off helps you clear excess energy before you begin and exercise.

  • Rub your hands together one more time and place one hand on your forehead and the other on the back of your head directly behind your eyes. If you have trouble holding your arms up, consider laying down on your back to do this energy exercise.

  • Take a deep breath in and out.

  • Bring to mind your stressful situation or experience. Continue to hold the front and back of your head while you thinking of it. Remembering to take slow breaths.

  • Hold this pose for 3-5 minutes or longer if it feels right.

Supporting Children

This is an excellent exercise to use when a child is overwhelmed, stressed, or feeling out of control. The easiest way to hold this pose is to have them sit or stand in front of you so that the back of their head is up against your chest or stomach. Next, place your hands on their forehead and hold it for as long as they wish. Children often need energy exercises for far less time than adults. Trust your child's intuition to know when you or they have held these points long enough.

IMPORTANT: Children (and adults) should always have bodily autonomy and be given the choice to accept or reject being touched, even if you believe you are doing it for the right reasons. If your child is struggling and you believe this exercise would help them, explain to them in detail what you would like to do and ask them if they give you permission to do so. If they do not want to be touched, offer to teach them the exercise and encourage them to hold the pose themselves.


© 2024 by Awakening Resilience, LLC

Sound and Energy Healing Practitioner | Portland, Oregon

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