In A Happy Pocket Full of Money, David Cameron Gikandi notes that our desires indicate innate abilities that our Self is capable of learning. This concept took my breath away! If I have a desire to fly an airplane, write a book, be a marine biologist, etc. - I have the innate abilities to learn how to do these things and to manifest it into my reality!
YOU have the innate abilities to do the things that you have a desire to do. The limiting beliefs that "I'm not smart enough" or "I don't have enough money" or "I don't have enough time" are just that. Self-limiting constructs that we have placed on ourselves.
What do you desire to do or become? Try out this affirmation: "I have the innate abilities to learn to (your desire). I am open to manifesting this into my reality." How does it feel when you say this? Try sitting quietly for 5 minutes while holding the Alternate Wayne Cook Posture (click the link for details on how to do this exercise). While you are holding this posture, repeat your affirmation. How will you feel when it comes true? Feel that feeling deep within yourself. Allow the feeling (joy, gratitude, etc.) to fill your body. Keep holding that pose, saying the affirmation, and allowing your body to experience this. Once you are done, release the pose and take a deep breath. Say the affirmation again. Now how do you feel?